Tiling Puzzle Solver

A Java GUI polyomino tiling puzzle solver based on DLX algorithm.

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Tiling Puzzle Solver

Developed by Dawei Fan and Deyuan Guo.


This is a 2D polyomino tiling puzzle solver implemented in Java with GUI based on dancing links (DLX) algorithm. Beyond the recursive DLX algorithm, a loop version DLX algorithm is implemented, with some optimizations such as eliminating symmetric solutions and dealing with duplicated tiles.

Download Link

Tiling Puzzle Solver v1.0 (Released on Dec 10, 2014)

Graphical User Interface

This solver allows user to configure the tile rotation, tile reflection, symmetric solution elimination, and can visually demonstrate solutions and single search steps.


Input Puzzle Format

Each input puzzle is a text file, which uses space-separated character blocks to represent tiles and the puzzle board. Different characters represent different colors. The largest block will be chosen as the puzzle board.

Example 1: pentominoes3x20.txt

  ###        #    #     #   #
   #   # #   #    ##   ###  ##
   #   ###   ###   ##   #   #

       #  #        #
   ##  #  #   ##   #  ##
  ##   #  #   ##  ##   #
   #   #  ##  #   #    ##


Example 2: checkerboard.txt

         O     OXOXO         OX
     X   XO        X  XO     XO          XOXOXOXO
     O    XO           X     O     X     OXOXOXOX
     X                       X     O     XOXOXOXO
           X   O     XO         OXOX     OXOXOXOX
    XOXO   O   X     OX                  XOXOXOXO
    O      X   OXO    O    X             OXOXOXOX
    X      O          X    O    OX       XOXOXOXO
           XO         O    X    XO       OXOXOXOX
                          XO     X

More puzzle files can be found here.